Recent Posts

6 Aralık 2013

Kurtlar Vadisi Pusu 206. Bölüm Tek Parça Hd

26 Eylül 2013

Need For Speed Filmi Türkçe Altyazılı Fragman

25 Eylül 2013

Bedava Vps Hesapları 2013

Bu yazımda sizlere bedava vps veren sitelerin bazılarının linklerini vereceğim.Kimi siteler kredi kartı istemekte ve bunun içinde sanal kart kullanmanızı tavsiye ederim.Sanal kartınızı internet şubesi olan bir banka hesabınızdan yapabilirsiniz.İçinde para olmadığı sürece sizlerden para alamazlar.Bir dip not olarakta 5 ile başlayan sanal kart numarası masterkart olmaktadır.

2 aylık bedava olan bir vps bizzat kendim tarafından denenmiştir ve 2 aylık bedava kampanyası 30 eylül 2013 kadardır. link çalışmazsa promosyon kodu: HAPPYMONDAY10

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Bedava vps hesapları güle güle kullanınız.Yorum yazmayı unutmayın.Diğer sitelerde paylaşırken kaynak gösteriniz lütfen.

21 Eylül 2013

Fast and Furious 7 Set Video Vin Diesel

11 Eylül 2013

The 51st New York Film Festival - Trailer

Kurtlar Vadisi Pusu 196 Bölüm 3 Fragman

3 Eylül 2013

Film İzle

Film izle kelimesi aylık milyonlarca aranan bir kelime olmuştur.Yaygınlaşan internet kullanımı insanların bilgisayar başında daha fazla vakit geçirmeye başlamıştır.İnsanlar gelişen bilgisayar ve internet teknolojisiyle artık tv de film izlemenin yerine bilgisayardan film izlemeye başlamışlardır.

Gelişen teknolojiden de bahsetmişken film izle me siteleride bir hayli eskisine göre daha kolay kurulmakta,hazır temalar ucuz domain isimleri ve bedava host çok cüzi miktarlara film sitesi açılabiliyor.Film sitesini açmak çok ucuza mal oluyor gerçekten bir domain kampanyalı alırsanız 1 dolara kadar düşük bir fiyata alıp gelecek yıl başka kampanyalı domain şirketine transferle her yıl bunu yenilebilirsiniz.Bedava host veren siteler yığınla var googledan kolayca temin edebilirsiniz.Geriye kaldı tema,temada googledan rahat bir şekilde bedavaya bulabilirsiniz.Hatta ücretli temalar dahi wareze düşüyor bu sayede tema işinide bedavaya getirebilirsiniz.Temayıda kurduktan sonra geriye bot işi kalıyor ve botu bile nette bedavaya bulabilirsiniz temanıza göre.

Film izleme sitesi yapmak inanın bir gününüzü dahi almaz.Botlarla beraber anında yüzlerce filmi sitenize çekip bir sürü zahmetli işten kurtulabilirsiniz.Ama herşey bu kadar basit değil,işin diğer tarafı diyeliğmki siteniz hazır içinde filmler yüklü ama ziyaretçiniz yok.İşte asıl sorun burda.Esaslı bir seo çalışmasına ihtiyaç duyacaksınız ve bu iş içinde baya yüklü bir paraya,hatta paranız olsa dahi aylarca zahmetli çalışma yapmanız gerekmektedir.Çünkü Google amcanın sizin sitenizi önemsemesi lazım.Anahtar kelime aramasında üst sıralara çıkmanız lazım.Buda gerçekten kolay bir iş değil.Sitenize iç ve dış seo çalışması yapılması gerekir.Sitenizin seo kurallarına göre düzenlenmesi örneğin başlık anahtar kelime ve içerik gibi.Ayrıca sitenizi dış seo yani backlink tanıtım yazısı sosyal imleme gibi bir sürü çalışma yapmanız lazım.Bir işte ne kadar rakibiniz varsa o kadar sık çalışmanız lazım.Ayrıca tutupta bir günde aşırı backlink veya anormal bir derece çalışma yaparsanız sitenize yararı yerine zararı olacaktır.Çünkü Google sitenizi spam olarak algılayabilir buda size baya bir ağır faturası çıkar.

Bir diğer etmende sitenize yüklediğiniz filmleri genelde sizin upload edip sizin sitenizin logosunu veya altyazı şeklinde tanıtım yazısını yazmak sitenzde film izleyenler için önemli bir güven tesis edecek buda sizin yararınıza olucaktır.Kopya içerik veya botla uğraşana kadar filmleri kaliteli bir şekilde upload edip gerekli yazı logo vs koymalısınız.Sitenizde filmleri basit bir arayüz seçmelisiniz bu sayede kullanıcılar zorlanmadan sitenizde film izleyebilecekler bu da sitenize olan güveni artıracak ve düzenli takipçi kitleniz oluşacaktır.

Bir öneri daha facebook,twitter,google+ gibi sosyal imleme metodlarını kullanmanızdır.Bu metodlarla düzenli aboneniz olucaktır.Bizim Türk insanı hazırı sever.Hazır şekilde filmi sosyal platformda anında göstermek siteniz için olumlu olucaktır.Ayrıca sosyal imleme her zaman size düzenli hit getirecek ve sitenizin popüler olmasını sağlayacaktır.

Bir diğer öneri sitenizde her zaman özgün yazılar yazın.Başlıklar konu özetleri elinizden geldiği kadar özgün olmaya bakın.Çünkü artık Google backlink dahi Google tarafından fazla önemsenmez oldu.Sebebi suistismal.Parayla satın alınan backlinkler siteleri kısa zamanda üst seviyelere çıkartıyordu ama artık Google buna son vermek istiyor.Google yenı kriteri özgün kaliteli içerik yapan yani sitesine emek veren her zaman üste olmayı hakeder mantığı.

Gerçek hayatta işler ne kadar zorsa inanın sanal işlerde de öyledir.Siz siz olun kısa vadede çok para veren veya verecek olan kişilere internet ortamında itibar etmeyin.Film sitesi aç 3 ay içinde aylık 5000 kazan,bu programı al siten Google da birinci sıraya çıksın gibi laflara kulak asmayın.Para zor kazanılıyor ve paranızın kıymetini bilin uyanık kişilere paranızı kaptırmayın.Gerçek hayat nasılsa bu sanal hayatta öyledir.Emek vermeden bir yere gelemezsiniz.

Bir tanıdığım film sitesinden bahsetmek istiyorum.Siteyi iki yıl kadar önce açtı ve 1 yıl kadar program vs satın alaraktan bir yere gelmeye çalıştı ama nafile hiç bir olumlu etkisini göremedi.Ama son 1 yıldır sitesinde özgün çalışma,özgün tema ve gereken emeği verince artık başarıyı yakaladı.Şu an bir sürü ziyaretçisi ve her gün büyüyen bir kitlesi oldu sitenin.Sitede ne kadar özen gösterdi ve emek verdiyse o kadar etkisini gördü.‎

Bu adresten siteye ulaşıp film izle bilirsiniz.Sitede herşey kalite.Denediğinizde görürsünüz.Bir sonraki yazımda görüşmek dileğiyle keyifli seyirler.

13 Haziran 2013

Youtube Video Rank Yükseltme

Youtube Video Araması Etkileyen Faktörler - Uzman Bakış

Videoların youtube arama sayfasında neye göre sıralandığını herkes merak etmektedir.
Bu çok önemli çünki ilk sayfada en yukarda olmak daha fazla izlenim kazandıracaktır.
Bu yazımızda ilk sıralarda olmanın hangi faktörlere bağlı onu bulmaya çalışacağız.
Ayrıca yazının sonunda videolarınız için en yüksek rankı nasıl elde edeceğiniz hakkında
tavsiyeler vereceğim.

Analizi Etkileyen Olası Faktörlerin Değerlendirilmesi

Asıl etki eden önemli faktörleri söylemeden evvel, Youtube videolarında yüksek rank
için olası faktörleri söylemeyi yararlı görüyorum.3 Kategoride incelenir.

1. Kategori: Videonun başlığının aranan kelimelerle ilgisi:

Arama kutusuna yazılan kelimelerle başlığın uyumudur.Yani arama sorgusuna cevap veren videonun başlığıdır
ve ne kadar uyumlu kelime varsa o kadar başarı elde edilir.

Örnek arama sorgumuz mesela ' İnternetten para kazanma yöntemleri 2013' 5 kelimeli bir sorgu ve farzedelim
sizin video başlığınızda

A) 'İnternetten Para Kazanma' olarak yazdınız ve 3/5 %60 ilgili olur eğer böyle bir başlık seçerseniz

B) 'Evde Oturduğun Yerden Para Yap' Bunu kullanırsanız 1/5 yani %20 ilgili olmuş olur.

C)İnterneten Para Kazanma - 2013 Yöntemi' Bunda ise 5/5 yani %100 ilgili olmuş oldu.

Sanırım bu birinci faktörü anladınız.İkinciye Geçelim.

2. Kategori:Videonun arama sırasını etkileyen bir diğer faktörde videonun aldıgı popülerlik

Yani videonun
A)kaç kere favori oldu

B)kaç yorum aldı

C)kaç kez begenildi

A B C Maddeleri ne kadar çok sayıda yorum favori veya beğeni aldıysa o derecede videonuz arama sırasında
en başlarda olur

3. Kategori Kanalın Yaşı yani kanal ne kadar eski ise o kadar youtube tarafından torpil geçiliyor.
Google eski domainlere (websitelere) torpil geçtiği gibi aynı durum youtubeda da söz konusu.Websitelerinin
Trust Rankı (Güvenilirlik derecesi) olur yani burdaki amaç adam eskiden berli üye herhangi bir saçmalıgı
olmadı felan filan.Google ve youtube bu torpil geçmesindeki amacı spam önlemektir.Torpil geçiyor derken
aramada üst sıralarda çıkarıyor tek yaptığı o.Bu torpil geçme youtube ta asağıdaki etmenlere bağlı:

A) Üyelik Yaşı: Ne kadar eski üyeyseniz o kadar iyi demekter arama sıralamasında.Bu aynı Google
yaşı büyük olan sitelere davrandığı gibi youtube ta size öyle davranıyor.

B) Toplam Kanal İzlenmesi: Bir Diğer etkende kanaldaki toplam izlenmenizdir.

C) Abonelerin sayısı: Bu çok önemlidir ne kadar çok aboneniz varsa o kadar etkinsiniz demek.

Ve Youtube aramalardaki sıralamaların işleyişi:

%82 etki eden etmen: Başlıktaki anahtar kelimeler ( en önemlisi bu %82 etki)

%16 etki eden etmen: Üyelik Yaşı (eski üyeliğin etkisi ikinci sırada)

%2 Favorilerin Sayısı (üçüncü olarak favori sayısı, youtube favori sayısına göre içerin önemli oldugunu
farzedip videoyu arama sonucuna göre yukarlarda çıkartıyor)

%1 Abone Sayısı ( abone sayısı yotubea kişinin spam yapmadıgı kaliteli içerik sağladığının bir nevi
göstergesi oluyor buda youtube gözünde güvenilirligi sağlıyor)

Yorum sayısı, beğeni sayısı ve toplam kanal izlenimi Youtube video arama sıralamasına etki etmiyor.
Nedeni olaraktan sahte beğeni ,yorum ve kanal izlenmesi yapıldığı için youtube bu etmene fazla
ilgi göstermiyor.Eğer bu faktörlere önem verseydi youtube spamcılar kolaylıkla videolarını
yüksek rank verebilir buda kötü sonuçlar doğururdu.Kısaca söylersek Youtube sıralamayı video sahibinin güvenine
göre veriyor burda esas aldığı noktalar Üyelik yaşı ve abone sayısı.

Yüksek ranklı video elde etmek için 2 öneri:

Analiz Programıyla Yapılan sonuçlara göre;

1.Orjinal kendinize özgün içerikli kaliteli video paylaşın.Bu sayede favorilere eklenmeniz artacak ve
ayrıca abone sayınızı artıracak.Zaten bizim için önemli olan abone ve favori sayısıdır.

2. Sürekli video yükleyin ve kanalınızla ilgilenin.Bu uzun vadede bir çok abone çekecek size ve üyelik
yaşınız arttıkça saygınlık ve güven kazanacaksınız buda arama sonuçlarında videonuzu uçuracak.

Youtube kullandığı algoritma yayınlanmadı yada bilinmiyor bu anlattıgmız algoritma testlerimize göre
oluşturduğumuz değerlerdir.

Şimdi resime bakın arkadaşlar, resimde size analiz edin kelimeler göre videoların sıralanışı
izlenişi gibi sonuçlar yazmaktadır.

İlk örneği inceleyelim

Arama kelimesi: Tips Play the Piano

Yani herhangi bir kullanıcı bu kelime yazdıgında çıkan sonuçlara göre izlenmeleri

ilk 2 de videolar gördüğünüz videolarda 'sorgularda eşlesen kelime sayısı' yüzde yüz bu sayede
videolar aramada ilk iki sırada çıkmıştır (Position 1 ve Position 2)

Position 1 üye yaşı 2006, eşleşen kelime yüzde yüz,favori sayısı 18,aboneler 619 bin

Position 2 üye yaşı 2009, eşleşen kelime yüzde yüz,

Position 3 üyelik tarihi 2006, eşleşen kelime yüzde elli

Benden bu kadar umarım bir şeyler öğretebildim size.Anlatım tamamen bana aittir, sitenize kopyalarsanız alta kaynak olarak gösterin.

10 Haziran 2013

Google Pagerank Update June 2013

There will be Google Pagerank update June 2013.I think it will be the last week of june or first week of july.Sıradaki Google pagerank güncellemesinin haziranın son haftası veya temmuzun ilk haftası olarak tahmin edilmektedir.

19 Mayıs 2013

StumbleUpon Tactics For İnternet Marketing

1. Make sure your website is up to par. Since people will be "stumbling upon" your site, you want to make sure it looks good as soon as they click on the link.
2. Just like Twitter, StumbleUpon is a social networking website, so be sure to get as many contacts and networking friends as possible.
3. Complete your profile as thoroughly as possible before linking. This way, when people click on your information, they get an idea of who you are or who your business is. 4. Cover as many bases as possible in the profile. Try not to leave too many stones unturned, so people know exactly what you're about from the get go.
5. Leave links on as many sites as possible. You want people to link right back to you, so link up!
6. Be careful where you stumble. Remember that people can see the path of links that you've followed, and they will have gotten to you by following a particular path. Don’t link to places or people you do not want to be associated with, or you will turn visitors off.
7. Utilize those keywords! Use an SEO service or writer to help you place the best and most effective keywords possible. This is truly the key to getting your information stumbled upon.
8. Tag the most essential elements. StumbleUpon uses tags, which are a lot like keywords. Be sure to tag your site using the most effective, power packing tags possible. Try to pick nouns and use ones that will pique peoples' interest immediately. While you must use one topic on the site, you can use multiple tags and change them up as needed.
9. Use your friends for help. The website has a feature that lets you contact your friends and inform them of your topic. They will see a notification on their toolbar. While this is fun and a good way to gather up more people, do not abuse it or else you may end up annoying people rather than informing them.
10. Do not focus so much on becoming a huge "stumbler", but rather focus on the quality of your topics and posts. If you worry too much about your followers or your rating, you may end up neglecting the content, which is really what's important.
11. Decide right away that you're going to be an important part of the StumbleUpon web community, and then stick with it. Feeble posters or people who are fly by night are easy to detect, and most people will stay away from that.
12. Review and rate as many others' sites as possible, so that you are an active member and not just standing on the sidelines.
13. Try to create long posts with as many links as possible. This garners you more content, more referrals, and more chances to get noticed.
14. Try not to "kill" your page with ads or spam. This is usually an automatic turn off for people who might stumble upon your page. Keep those pesky ads at bay if at all possible!
15. Think about your target audience. Then, create customized content just for them. By putting information out there that caters to your audience and your customer base, you will get solid followers who should turn into sales or referrals.
16. Make sure you write a captivating and effective title, and a good introductory paragraph. Most people look at the title first and foremost, so make sure it is one that will grab their attention and make them want to read more.
17. Thank the people who stumble to you. This has a very positive effect and usually gets people to recommend your page to others.
18. Join communities that are in relation to your business. You just might learn something, and by getting involved in communities with like-minded people, you might discover some really useful contacts.
19. Keep it fresh. Try to post new articles daily, if not weekly. You want the content to stay fresh and informative, and make sure your readers stick around.
20. Go for the gold. Try to get your StumbleUpon page featured on the site. If you get to this level, you'll be amazed at how many more contacts and thumbs up you will get. 21. Multimedia helps, so integrate video and audio as much as you can.
22. Do not just link to other sites' home page. Instead, link to specific pages that feature pictures, articles, or other things that are more specific to your topic.
23. Mention StumbleUpon in your postings. True followers of the site really love it, so by mentioning it somehow within your topic, you're making people feel right at home and comfortable.
24. Make sure the people who stumble end up being regular visitors or customers. You can do this by adding an RSS button at the bottom of our page, an email subscription link, or any other method that will bring interested people in even closer.
25. Be interesting without selling. I other words, you want the content to sound good and thorough but not like a sales letter or an infomercial.
26. Stay away from the automated tools if possible, since they will end up causing problems in some cases, like creating spam-like postings and will give your pages the overall feel of a robot behind the keyboard instead of a human being.
27. Make the content more social. Try to achieve a feeling of updating friends and customers instead of a plain informational page. This will make people stay interested and want to know more as things with your business changes.
28. Edit your posts often, and have another pair of eyes take a look at them as well. Sometimes, someone else might catch errors or suggest room for improvement that you may not be aware of.
29. Blog about your StumbleUpon page. Talk about your page on other websites and in other places, so more traffic is led there.
30. Choose tags carefully, and only use the ones that have the most impact.
31. You can generate article ideas and brainstorm concepts by buzzing around the web and finding the hottest topics and other blogs. Take from them as much inspiration as possible.
32. Try not to use commas and apostrophes in your title. It's been shown to scare people away & indicate to them that the topic will be boring.
33. Use the most up to date tracking software possible, so you can get an accurate hit count and you'll know how many people have visited the site.
34. Make the most of photos, and strive to use the most visually appealing and interesting ones you can that are pertaining to your topics.
35. Show off some recent pages on the sidebar, so people can easily see the other postings you've comprised.
36. Relate your articles to common emotions such as happiness, excitement and even fear to get the point across and garner interest.
37. Diversify. Don't just stick to one niche topic, but instead broaden your base by writing a number of different things.
38. Try to be the first to discover new sites and link to them, so that people consider you a reliable, interesting source.
39. Do not expect success to be overnight. Remember that this website takes time to build up a base of people and ratings, so allow it to happen naturally.
40. Make sure you comment on other peoples' pages and review them as well. This shows you're an active user who cares about what others are saying.
41. Use StumbleUpon itself as a case study to find the best Internet websites out there, and then expand on it by making it even better with new links.
42. Humor really does help with this site, so use it freely.
43. Keep your friends list up to date and only use active members as top friends, so people know you're paying attention to what is going on.
44. Enable search views. This will help you get more hits in Google and Yahoo.
45. Watch the number of ads that you incorporate and make sure they're going with the topic at hand. Poorly blended ads can turn people off and confuse them.
46. Utilize as many tools and tutorials you can. There are plenty of great tools and add-ons available, many free of charge, for use with StumbleUpon.
47. Remember that traffic can last a long time. Even if you gain a lot of stumbles in the beginning and then it dies off, the traffic will still be generated as long as your page is up. Just make sure it's current including your contact information.
48. Be excusive. Try to feature only certain parts of the bigger picture of your website. This encourages visitors to actually go there instead.
49. Fill up your page with as much content as possible. Some people might skim over the page, some might actually sit and read it all and digest it. Either way, the more information, the better.
50. Branding is essential, so be sure to have a memorable URL or basic title that people will not forget.

New Best Squidoo Tactics Mehtods 2013

1. Make sure your page on Squidoo looks its absolute best. A polished page gets more results.
2. Don't be afraid to promote and market your business and website through your profile or content.
3. Title your lenses effectively and use keywords to get attention.
4. Make the introduction and description captivating and helpful so people want to read more.
5. Add photos for visual interest in the descrption.
6. You can set up multiple lenses for multiple keyword phrases. This is highly recommended.
7. Use tags to your advantage, and do so by making the most effective tags possible using powerful wording and linking to the best sites that will get you real results.
8. Understand the link flow on Squidoo, so you know how people find you, and how your links get distributed from the source page.
9. Make a "lens of the day" to keep people interested in your page and they'll want to see what you have to say more often.
10. Find your voice on Squidoo. Think about who you are and what you're trying to accomplish. Brainstorm some content ideas and think about your plans in advance before setting up your profile and lenses.
11. Be sure you are not only knowledgeable about your content, but that it comes across that way to others.
12. As always, watch spelling, grammar, and use of language.
13. Patience is the key with this website as with any other, so do things right the first time, and don't expect results overnight.
14. Use the forum to your advantage to get advice, see what others are doing, and ask and answer questions.
15. Do not spam your pages or lenses, as people will run away from your profile. Members can tell spam a mile away.
16. Make a lens solely about you, so people have a place to start.
17. Co-branding is popular and a great way to get more income. Find some other companies or brands you can partner up with.
18. Use the Squidoo Answer Deck if you have any questions or need help.
19. The Squidcast feature lets you promote your lenses, so definitely use this to your advantage.
20. Make sure all of your links work. You should check them periodically to ensure they still work.
21. If time goes on and you find better links, don't forget to update them!
22. Add a table of contents to your lens. People really like this feature.
23. Spell check, spell check, spell check.
24. Update your profile to allow people to contact you so that you are available to your customers, potential clients, and anyone who wants to ask you something. Being accessible is a great way to gain a good reputation.
25. Twitter is a great tool for promoting your lenses, so use it to your advantage.
26. Edit your modules so they are not just the ones generated from Squidoo. Tailor them to each lens, so it looks more through and professional.
27. The more high quality lenses you have, the better so make up as many as you can. Just be sure each one has a purpose and will get results.
28. Think of ways to spin your company's mission statement into a lens title.
29. Charities play a big role on Squidoo. Find a few you believe in, and work with them on your pages.
30. Don't just limit lenses to links. Have them point to your RSS feeds, Twitter, Fickr page, and tons more.
31. If you're a fan of other companies or products, make a lens for it. See if the place you're a fan of will reciprocate the favor.
32. Use referrals to your advantage and recruit as many people as you can.
33. Don't hesitate to make a lens about your own affiliate program.
34. Have your affiliates make some lenses of their own promoting your website.
35. Don't forget that spam is NOT welcome on Squidoo, and your account could be cancelled if you spam. Find out about their guidelines before publishing anything.
36. Use Google AdSense in conjunction with Squidoo, since they work hand in hand.
37. Max your lenses for optimum exposure. Simply check this option on the edit pages of your lenses for the maximum view and exposure.
38. Aspire to earn the Giant Badge so people will see you've been a longstanding member who produces quality content.
39. Try to get gold stars for your lenses, as this means you're the best of the best.
40. Use the Flickr module to incorporate cool photos. Visually appealing lenses and modules typically have the most success.
41. Add your Squidoo links to your blogs and website.
42. Add your lenses to Squidoo groups. Look into the many different groups available and then add your lenses accordingly.
43. Introduce yourself in the Forums, and on other websites dedicated to Squidoo users.
44. The longer you're on Squidoo, the better your reputation, so remember it takes a while to become established.
45. The more lenses the better, just make sure each is unique in its own way.
46. Make sure you have a Paypal account, because that is how Squidoo makes payments.
47. Your content should be thorough and high quality. Don't skimp on well written content just to get more lenses published.
48. Do not just use Google as a resource for information when creating content. Look into more in depth resources and you content will be much better.
49. It's up to you how often you want to update your lenses. As long as they remain relevant, it's ok to leave them alone.
50. You can use popular hot topics for lenses aside from your own company or business related topics. It still gets hits!

50 New LinkedIn Tactics For İnternet Marketing

1. Check the Expertise Requests option in your profile.
2. Complete your profile as thoroughly as possible, and include interests, an avatar, and business information.
3. Connect with as many business associates as you can, since they will help you to network with like minded individuals and companies.
4. Learn from others and gain new knowledge, so you can become an expert in other subjects and topics.
5. Ask questions.
6. Answer questions. Use your knowledge to your advantage by answering peoples' questions thoroughly and expertly, and you'll gain other users' confidence.
7. Check your home page on LinkedIn fairly often. It contains industry updates, news, and postings from associates.
8. On company profiles, the top five most popular other profiles are displayed on the home page. This is important since it will show others who you associate with, so be aware of who your top five are.
9. Choose the top 5 who will link back to you, so there is a reciprocal benefit.
10. Be sure to explain your work experience in as much detail as possible. Don't just list employers or experience, but instead expand upon it by showing others' what you've done in detail.
11. Comment in the discussion forums as much as you can so your profile gets noticed.
12. Update your status with useful content and information as much as possible.
13. Feel free to implement keywords in both your profile and your content, so that your information comes up in search engine results.
14. Do not forget to include your LinkedIn profile link in other places like Twitter, Digg, and other social media websites.
15. LinkedIn is also a useful employment tool, so if you're hiring, use it to find good employees.
16. Customize your buttons. This will make your profile look more professional and give you more control.
17. Include your skills and specialties and be sure to expand upon your current business.
18. Obviously, include your company URL somewhere on your profile.
19. Have a plan in place when you begin to build your network, otherwise you may end up getting some contacts you don’t want, and not enough of the ones you do.
20. Do not just be friends with people because they ask you to. It looks a little odd for a professional member to be friend with their partying buddies from college. Leave the casual online friendships to Facebook.
21. Look at network statistics to see what is going on with your account and the progress you're making.
22. Keep in mind the number of characters in profile fields are limited, so you may want to do a few practice runs first before publishing everything.
23. Include past education and past companies/experience, not just your current business or company.
24. Customize your public profile's URL so it's easier to link this to other pages and people will remember it much better.
25. Utilize the reference check tool to find out how long someone worked for a company and much more.
26. Ask others within the community for advice. Since this site was designed for networking, people are usually more than willing to answer questions and give help.
27. Use the site to help get a much clearer picture of your competition.
28. Compliment others and give them praise when you're speaking to them, so that they reciprocate. It makes both of your profiles look much better and can increase your exposure and ratings.
29. Do not only mention what you've done, but include what you've produced. Be sure to post results from your actions and include facts and figures if possible.
30. Use numbers, and show people percentages and actual, real numbers that back up the claims of your success.
31. The top of your summary is what visitors see first so be certain you're including the most vital information here.
32. Utilize the answers tool as an opportunity to show off you expertise.
33. If you're in need of a graphic designer, web hosting provider, or any other service, LinkedIn has its own services area where you can trade off with others who are among the trusted network.
34. Use your LinkedIn page link in your blogs, Twitter, Digg, your website, etc.
35. Try to become a recommended service or company by establishing a good reputation. People will flock more towards ones that have the "recommended" status.
36. Be sure to enable the "show website" feature in your profile.
37. Make sure the full view and websites options are also checked so that the information in your profile is public.
38. LinkedIn is mostly designed for targeted marketing, so be as specific as you can when you choose your industry and expertise.
39. Use the website as a tool to make connections within your business niche, and then expand upon those connections on other social media sites.
40. Be willing to work at building your network; it takes time to get a lot of solid connections.
41. Make use of the option to be indexed so your information appears on Google and other search engines' results.
42. Use the Q&A feature to ask others their opinion of your website, product, etc.
43. Feel free to introduce yourself to other members. Don’t always wait for others to approach you first.
44. Ask others to recommend you if they have had experience with you.
45. Think of LinkedIn as your "home base" for all of your other marketing tactics.
46. Edit your profile often and rearrange things as needed, so you are always up to date and new content is there as well.
47. Use the groups feature to meet others, post feedback, and get a feel for what other companies are up to.
48. Start your network base with people you know and trust, and build from there.
49. Be as professional as possible at all times.
50. Always be aware of spelling and grammar.

Social Media Digg Tactics New Methods

1. Sign up for an account, and plan to participate daily. A wishy-washy attitude will not work well with fellow Diggers.
2. Be sure you understand how Digg works before you begin actively participating.
3. Pay attention to user comments, and be prepared to respond as well as become an active part of the conversation.
4. Get a feel for how and why certain stories become popular. This will give you a better understanding of Digg, and also give you insight into how to make your stories and postings more popular as well.
5. Try to accumulate as many friends as you can. Much like Twitter, you want as many contacts and outreaches as you can garner so you can affect more people that way.
6. Start a buddy list. This list is designed to give you a one on one ability within Digg. It allows IM use, but be careful and try to not use this feature too much or you'll turn people off.
7. Build your profile up to make it look as thorough and professional as possible. Just like any other website or service, this is the home base where people will be looking to find out who you are and what you're about. Make it as good as you possibly can.
8. Look for the power users of the site, and then be friends with them. This is a huge help to you because others will see that you're associated with them, and it will help you get much more exposure in the long run.
9. Only submit content that is worth something. Don't bombard the site or your page with worthless links and silly stories. Make sure they are interesting and relevant.
10. Send out shouts. On Digg, people can send out shouts to each other. This is the single best way to get noticed and to get some feedback, so send shouts often.
11. Keywords are very important. Just like any articles or information on your website, keywords are what get peoples' attention, so think some through and then use them in your posting title and in your content.
12. Aim to become a top user. The top users on this website get the most notice.
13. Do your homework and find out what people are talking about and then expand on that with your own postings.
14. Learn the language and how people express themselves. Every website has its own unique lingo that users pick up on, so be sure you are in the know.
15. Only keep friends who provide feedback, who link to you, and whom you can link to as well. Get rid of any friends who are just idle or who are not contributing.
16. Try to dedicate yourself to taking time each and every day to focus on content expansion and editing. Dedicating this time will really reflect on your profile.
17. Keep up on what the Digg users like and hate. For example, most users love Apple products, but hate Microsoft (as a whole). Get a feeling for the pulse of what is popular.
18. Overall, there are more male than female users on Digg. Get an idea of the demographics of the site so you can have more success.
19. Relevant content is important, and currently topics like the environment, science, breaking news, politics, technology, and comedy are hot topics. Use these in relation to your business somehow, so that people will want to know more.
20. Do not vote thumbs up on too many of your own articles. This can raise a red flag and could potentially get your account removed.
21. Make your title WOW viewers and visitors. This is your first line to people and the best way to get noticed and get some Diggs.
22. Descriptions are also important, so be sure to write these well and with important keywords included.
23. Use real numbers instead of written numbers. This really does get more attention than a lot of people realize.
24. Try not to just comment on stories. Remember the purpose of Digg, and if you like something, Digg away!
25. Avoid spamming people with keywords. They are very important, but too many of one particular thing can drive people away almost instantly. Savvy users know spam when they see it, so DON’T DO IT!
26. Do not use any non-English websites or content. The temptation to post some Chinese language website links to reach out to global users might be really strong, but it's not allowed on the website since it is an English speaking only site.
27. Subscribe to the RSS feed offered by Digg so you can keep up with the latest updates and see what is the most popular post.
28. Check the upcoming stories, link to other's postings, and push your way up to the top by recommending others and making as many friends as you can.
29. Write about Digg. Although this may sound a little redundant, fans of Digg actually want to hear more about how to get the most out of the website.
30. Discuss the latest technology, since many people who use the site are big fans of the latest applications, websites, and electronics. Firefox noticed a large influx of users after people discussed them on Digg, and this can happen for your business as well.
31. Participate in the Digg Town Halls. The site now has occasional town hall style discussions, where you can share information, ask questions, and meet new users.
32. Be sure your content is a must see. Try to post things that have not been put up before, and make them intriguing and tantalizing. Again, this is where the effective title writing comes into play.
33. Unlike some other sites, users on Digg do not like for you to ask for Diggs. Instead, let your content speak for itself.
34. Try to be selective about your friends. Too many friends will be overwhelming, and your inbox will get overloaded. It's good to have a lot of contacts and friends, but too many can actually be a bad thing because it takes up way too much of your space and time. Choose friends who will do you a favor, just as you will do for them.
35. Do not Digg every single thing you see. By Digging every little posting, you look less legitimate, and you're giving certain people more credit than they actually deserve. The goal is to Digg content that is relevant and well put together, not just everyone's postings.
36. Remind people to Digg your stuff from other sites, like your blogs and even your home page.
37. Submit a good amount of posts, but don't overdo it. Some people will submit so much content every day that they overload the website and their profile. It's not a attractive habit, and it can make people leery. Instead, only post a few, select things per day.
38. Think about the numbers involved with Digg, such as the number of hits per hour, number of buries, and the number of popular articles that have hit within the last day or so. All of these statistics and more are important and help you gain a better grasp of your progress.

39. Don’t try to do it all on your own. If you're a very busy business owner or website host, recruit coworkers and friends to help post some things on Digg. As long as they follow your own personal guidelines for posting, it can be a huge help.
40. Be sure to include a picture for a thumbnail. Choose something that will get peoples' attention and make a statement, as well as something that defines who you are.
41. Widgets are an awesome new way to get more people reading. These can be personalized so you can make them all your own, and they really add personality to your page. 42. Add the Digg button, image and all, to your company or personal website.
43. Numbered lists make for easy reading, and keep peoples' interest. Write some content with top 10 lists, or other forms of numbered lists, which create small tidbits of information.
44. Keep in mind that the top 100 users on Digg control over half of the website's content ranking. Pay close attention to what they are looking at and commenting on.
45. Be as unique and individual as you can. Try to stay with the feel of the site, but go against the flow with your content.
46. Be open. The users of Digg are pretty open, honest, and out there when it comes to how they feel about things. If you do not like something, don't feel like you cannot express it. Just do so with a bit of discretion so you are not bashing people or businesses to the point of no return.
47. Focus on your audience, and decide what topics are of the most interest to them.
48. Do not make baseless claims. If you post some topics or information, do not make promises you cannot keep. It's never a good idea to sound like a salesman or make pitches for things people may not want. Instead, entice them to your site to make a purchase with relevant content.
49. Utilize the newest buzz on Digg to your advantage. While you never want to copy others' content, you can use the popular topics to give you fresh ideas that will rope people in.
50. Have fun. While the purpose of using Digg in this context is to expand your business and gain new contacts, remember to have fun!

65 New Tips For Boosting Your Traffic

1. Write something great about your niche and email other bloggers to let them know – there’s a good chance they’ll link to you
2. Have a signature link in forums that points to your site
3. Post links to your pages to social bookmarking sites.
4. Leave comments on other people’s blogs and link back to your site (tip: look in the digg upcoming section for blog posts about to get a lot of traffic).
5. Have the opposite opinion on everyone else on a popular topic. Everyone will link to you saying your wrong
6. Answer questions on Yahoo Answers
7. Post in Yahoo and Google Groups with a link to your site in your signature
8. Make a 404 page that redirects to your homepage – no point losing visitors
9. Have an opt-in form – trade links with someone else who has an opt in form on your confirmation page
10. Review a product or company – if your review is positive email the company and ask to be featured in their press section. (this has worked really well for me)
11. Write articles and submit them to article directories
12. Write a Press Release and submit it to PRWeb (make sure it is newsworthy)
13. Use PayPerClick Traffic (e.g Adwords, MSN Adcenter, YSM)
14. Add an RSS subscribe button/link in a high profile spot on your site
15. Add a mailing list subscribe form in a high profile spot on your site
16. Add a bookmark this site link in a high profile spot on your site
17. Use a Tell A Friend Script on your site so people can email their friend about an article on your website.
18. Submit a blog to a blog directory
19. Submit you RSS feed to RSS feed directories
20. Mention your website in a post on Craigslist (don’t spam)
21. Optimize the titles of your pages for keywords people will search for
22. Buy links to your site
23. Buy reviews about your site on other people’s site
24. Buy banner space on other websites if you can get a good ROI
25. Send articles to ezine publishers with a link back to your website
26. Do a big viral push for a piece of link bait, post it in forums, social bookmarking sites like digg, email bloggers, and get a few people to vote for you on social bookmarking sites – this little push could start a viral chain reaction!
27. Have a link to your site on community sites like MySpace and FaceBook
28. Use a traffic trading system like BlogRush
29. Purchase misspellings of competitors domains and redirect your site (be careful of trademark infringement)
30. Create a freebie product to give away (ebook, software, whitepaper etc.)
31. Submit your site to the hundreds of free directories – use the viles-silencer list
32. Do a group feature where you get other website owners in your niche to participate – maybe asking them all an opinion on something.
33. Hold a competition for the Top 50 in your niche – 1 month later post the results and let everyone know who featured – watch them link back to say what there position was.
34. Pass out business cards when you go to industry events in your niche
35. If you have a product start an affiliate program and start approaching affiliates
36. Submit videos to video sharing sites like YouTube and Metacafe. Include a link in the description and within the actual video.
37. If you have a product send it to website owners to get reviewed.
38. Look at a big website within your niche and ask to write some guest posts for them
39. Create pages with links to your site on places like Squidoo and Hubpages
40. Place classified Ads on eBay with a link to your website
41. Use an autoresponder on your mailing list to keep people coming back to your site
42. Exchange links with a few related sites in your niche
43. Network! Email other site owners, phone them up, go to industry events and get yourself known. If they know your face they will likely talk about you on their site if you do something interesting.
44. Many forums have a place for you to advertise your site once – find them and do it.
45. Purchase advertising in other people’s mailing lists and newsletters
46. Create an Amazon profile and start submitting reviews
47. Create profiles on MySpace and start networking in groups that are interested in your site’s niche.
48. Conduct a survey and publish the results – make sure you let people know about it.
49. Get your hand on a load of PLR content for your niche. Add a commentary to the top, create a unique title, and post them all to your site – lots of new content and lots of new traffic.
50. Create a cartoon mascot for your site – then hold a competition for someone to create the best game for it – pay the winner a decent amount.
51. Make sure you have a memorable domain name that is short and catchy.
52. Use a well-searched for keyword within your domain name to help rank for that keyword.
53. If you sell a product ask someone else who sells a product to list your product with theirs, and you’ll do the same for them – split commissions on sales.
54. When you write a new article on your site – link to as many blogs as possible – they will likely see your site in their pingbacks, website stats, or Technorati. They will visit your site and possibly subscribe to it and link back at a later date.
55. Get your RSS feed syndicated to different sites like Zimbio and hubpages and Topix.
56. If your site is popular and has quality unique content then apply to get listed in Google’s News search.
57. Create a sitemap and submit it to Google (not great but might help)
58. Use your robots.txt file to stop Google indexing certain directories and pages on your blog (such as archives) to avoid duplicate content issues).
59. Create a couple of small 10 page sites related to your main site. Offer links on these smaller sites in return for links to your main site (this is triangular reciprocal linking).
60. Get yourself known as an expert and get featured in offline magazines, TV and radio stations.
61. Use an auto-translator service to translate your site into other languages – put it in a subdirectory and watch foreign traffic come in.
62. Make posts about sex (don’t have to post anything rude) – and watch the porn surfers find their way to your site through Google.
63. Post about celebrities current events if it relates to your niche – there’s always a lot of people looking up celebrity stuff.
64. Write good headlines/titles – good titles get more clicks.
65. Get some stickers with your domain name on. Go out and stick them on strangers and say “My Website Yeah, Check it out.”

Offline Niche Crusher Method Easy Money Making Method

So what is this strategy about? If I told you that you can easily generate offline cash today from a client you do not even have to meet, would you believe me? This method has never been talked about before and all you need to do is leverage the power of Google+. And NO this WSO is NOT about creating Google+ pages for business owners and offering them. This method focuses on zooming in on a niche and offering them something they cannot refuse. According to recent stats Google+ has over 400 million members and it is the second largest social network, just behind Facebook. It is a “sleeping giant” that not many people have used as leverage. There are millions of businesses that are listed on Google+ waiting to be contacted. However, you are not simply going to start spamming them.

With my techniques that I am about to show you I will show you how I manage to have offline business owners paying me anywhere from $500-$1000 a time for my service. With this strategy you can focus on almost any niche. However, in this WSO I am going to focus on Dentists. Why Dentists? Dentists have a lot of money to spend and are always hungry for clients. All you have to do is type in the keyword “Dentist and Location” on Google to see the amount of different Dentist businesses spending money on marketing. These Dentists are not scared to spend their money and therefore, have proven it by spending money with Google. Also there is more of a “trust” factor with Google amongst business owners since Google is the largest search engine in the world. Because of this “trust” factor we can leverage it to our advantage. In the next section I am going to show you how to set this method in motion and implement it. If you are ready then please head over to the next section.

If you want to quit then please do so now because in the next section I am going to uncover one of the best strategies ever of making money from offline business owners. Google+ The first thing you need to do is make sure you have a Google account. Make sure your Google Account is different from your main email address. Once you have signed in you will be able to start using Google+. Again just to stress YOU WILL NOT be creating Google+ brand pages and offer them to business owners. That has already been talked about numerous times before! Once logged in simply head over to This will bring up the Google+ interface. The Google+ interface is a goldmine if you know how to use this right. Remember Google is a beast of a search engine and despite the fact that Google+ may not be liked by “everyone”, business owners LOVE Google+. Since business owners are always spending money advertising with Google it is no surprise therefore, that many of these business owners have listed themselves to be on Google+. In the next section I am going to show you how to put the Offline Niche Crusher method of plan in action and how to go about getting started with this.

Step 1 - The Offline Niche Crusher Plan The first step is the Offline Niche Crusher Plan. This is where you are going to plan on what niche you are targeting. For this method you can target almost any niche. However, I like to target the following niches because they have the money to spend and therefore, will not be afraid to do so.  Dentists  Accountants  Plumbers  Lawyers (always hard to get hold of)  Chiropractors  Restaurant Owners  Chiropodists It does not really matter as to what niche you target. In this WSO I am going to focus on Dentists because they are always spending money on online marketing. Therefore, the first thing you need to do is head over to the Google+ search tab and type in the keyword and location. In this case I am going to type in “Dentists, Birmingham” or “Dentists New York” if I am going to target them worldwide. (If you are wondering if this method works worldwide then the good news is that it does!) In this case I am going to focus on all of the main Dentists in Birmingham. So for example, I am going to type in Dentist, Birmingham on the Google+ search tab. The next thing you need to do is make sure you select the category “people and pages” – this will filter out all the unnecessary information. The next thing you need to do is start a new “Circle” and call it something like “Birmingham Dentists” or “London Dentists” (or whatever the location you are targeting). Please go on to the next step where I show you how to create a targeted circle.

Step 2 – Creating Targeted Circles The next thing you need to do is add about 90-100 Dentists (from Birmingham) in the circle you have just created. I am going to add these Dentists to the circle I have just created by heading back to the Google+ search tab and typing in “Birmingham Dentists” and then filtering to “people and places”. This is what comes up. Here we see that we can “Add to circles”. These are all the Dentists I am going to add in my circle that I have just created. Once you have enough people in your circle then you need to follow the next steps. Here you can see I have added 40 Dentists from Birmingham. I could have added more but I just wanted to show you this for demonstration purposes for now. I will show you later how you can outsource this easily and save yourself a lot of time. Now that these Dentists are in your circle the next step is important. Please make sure do NOT by all means start spamming these business owners in your circle. The moment you start sounding like a desperate salesman towards them they will get really pissed off and most likely report you to Google for spamming  What we are going to do is be smart and think outside the box. In the next step I am going to show you how you can get someone to make you a quick video on how you can make business owners money or help their website make money, by hosting a FREE webinar for them. In the next section I am going to show you how to go about creating your FREE video for your business owners in your “circle” that you have just created.

Step 3 – The Presell Crusher Content The next step involves thinking outside the box and preselling to your content. This involves creating the “perfect” pitch for your service or whatever you want to offer to your potential client. However, your pitch needs to make sure it ticks the right boxes and falls under the following categories.  It must be informative  It must attract attention  It must educate your potential client  It must be engaging  It must give them a reason to take “action” In your pitch you do not need to sell anything. All you are going to do is create a 10 minute video on how you can make your potential offline client MONEY. Business owners’ primary goal is to make profit – thus more money. In your 10 minute video you can talk about hosting a FREE webinar. I highly recommend you use Keynote to create the video. If you have a smartphone you can create stunning presentations using your phone and then upload them online. If you do not want to spend money on Keynote then you can also use free alternative video software. Camstudio is free to download and it is a great alternative to Camtasia if you do cannot afford to purchase it. In your 10 minute video you are going to speak to your potential business owner. You do not have to create a 10 minute video for each niche. Your 10 minute video can be used to target other niches too. So for example, in the video you are not going to talk about “Dentists or Restaurants” directly you are simply going to use words such as “I can help your business…” “I can help you build a list...Etc” “I can bring in 6000 extra leads to your business etc” It is up to you as to what you want to talk about in this short video. You might want to appear in front of the camera or you might want to just stick to narrating the video using just audio. I prefer to outsource this because I am pretty limited when it comes to speaking English in person but that does not stop me from using outsourcers ;) In regards to the actual FREE webinar you are going to host for them then I would prefer to use Any Meeting. You can use this FREE for the first 200 Attendees. In the next section I am going to show you how to go about contacting your circle and the type of message to send to them. I will refer you to special swipe files you can copy and paste.

Step 4 – Contacting Your Circles With Your Keynote Pitch There are two ways in which you can get your contacts in your circle to see your message. Usually when you add people to your circle on Google plus they get notified right to their email Account. This usually appears in a red alert that shows up when they log on to their email account. The first way to contact people in your circles and let them know about your pitch or what you have to say in your video is to post up a status on Google+. Here you can see that you can add your circles on your G plus status and also select the “Also send email to” option. By doing this your message will be delivered as an email notification to your recipients and they will be able to visit Google+ to read it there. The second option involves heading over to your Gmail account. Then you need to click on “Contacts” The next thing to do is click on the name of the circle you have created. So for example, I am going to click on “Birmingham Dentists” Once you click on “Select all” this will highlight all the contacts in your circle. The next thing you need to do is hit the “email” button. If your contact has listed an email address then you can email them directly. I also recommend you copy the emails in the Bcc field because this way the emails of your offline clients are protected and you are respecting their privacy. The last thing you want is for your competitors to start seeing each other’s email address! In the next section of this WSO I am going to talk about what you can offer to your potential offline clients (in your sales video). I will also give show you how to go about pricing your online workshop.

Step 5 – Taking Action – Your Offer The next step you need to take is decide as to what you are going to offer to your potential business owner. The actual content I usually promote is an online live workshop that is split into 6-7 parts and I end up charging around $197.00. So what content would you cover in the workshop? I personally focus on the following:-  How to create a product and put it on Clickbank  List Building  Facebook Ads  How to use Google+ as leverage for your business  How to use social media tools to increase traffic to their website However, if you want to take an offline route towards the workshops you can do so. So for example, if you want to teach your clients on how to build a mobile website then you can do that too. Imagine if you managed to get 5 business owners paying you $197. That works out to nearly $1000 just from these 5 business owners! However, if you want to take an extra step you can easily charge $10,000 (yes $10,000!) for 1 hour coaching a week on Skype. And you can charge this money upfront - this is truly the “offline niche crusher” method on steroids. Do you think business owners will pay you this amount of money for coaching? Of course they would! They are always spending money on marketing and if you are going to personally coach them for 1 hour on Skype I am sure you understand just how excited they would be to learn from the “master”. I am sure you are realising by now just how powerful this method really is. In the next section of this WSO I am going to go through several “copy and paste” swipe files you can use to use this method. Please head over to the next section where I go through each swipe in a bit more detail and show you when to use this.

Step 6 – Swipe Files In this section I am going to go through several swipe files you can use to copy and paste to your offline prospects. In Swipe file 1 – the short crusher swipe – you can see it is pretty short and straight to the point. You can copy and paste this swipe file as a Google+ status and then just filter it out so that your circle of business owners see this message on their news feed. Most likely once they click on the video they will see how important this is for their business. In Swipe File 2 you can use this to send to your prospects when you are going to email them using the “contact” method. Avoid making your email too long because I have found that short, simple emails work well in the long-term. This method can also work with other niches and the fact of the matter is that there is so much potential for this method. You can start adding business owners on your circles today and focus on guiding them to success. You do not have to focus on Dentists – it is entirely up to you. I love the fact that you can implement this strategy and target almost any business owner around the world! It does not get better and easier then this. Whether your targeting a Chiropractors or a Plumber you can start creating targeted circles for each niche and come up with a different pitch offer for each circle. Tip In order to avoid refunds I always ask business owners who their ideal clients are. Then I simply search for those niches in the location and create a circle for them. For example, if I am targeting Plumbers and their main ideal clients are going to be large families, with high disposal income etc. Summary – Offline Niche Crusher The Offline Niche Crusher system is a powerful way to make money from offline business owners by simply leveraging the power of a “sleeping giant” – Google+. Just to summarise this is what you need to do.  Make an account on Google+  Do a search for your niche and location – make sure you change everything to “people and places”  Create a New Circle – e.g. Birmingham Plumbers  Add about 100 business owners in that circle  Use Keynote or Camstudio to make a quick 10 minute video on how you can make business owners money and the fact that tomorrow you will be hosting a FREE webinar  Click on “email” – this will notify them right to their Gmail account.  Register on ANY MEETING and do a 6 part live Workshop  Rinse and repeat There is also a special BONUS report you need to check out where I show you exactly how to outsource this strategy. I hope you find this method has a “breath of fresh air” and something new. If you do not make money with this method then I don’t know what will make you money  In this status update you are going to say something like this.

1 Mayıs 2013

Bedava pr8 pr9 backlinks

bir diger bedava backlink alma yöntemleri daha vericegim.İlk yazımı okuduysanız artık hep bu yöntemle gidecegiz. bu site pagerank 9 dur. bu linke tıklayıp cıkan yerde register üye olun. profil editlemeye girin ve sitenizin linkini yazın.işte bu kadar basit.pr9 backlinkiniz oldu.

bir diger yerde pagerankı 8 linke tıklayıp üye oluyoruz (register).üye olduktan sonra kullanıcı isminize tıklıyoruz ve account settings hesap ayarlarına homepage yazan yere linkimizi koyuyoruz ama bu link no follow dur.Bunun için details kısmına biraz bir şeyler yazdıktan sonra altına imza gibiymiş gösterip linkinizi ekleyiniz. bir diger pagerank 8 li yerde bu site. üye olup imzanıza sitenizin linkini ekleyebiliyorsunuz bir diger yerde gene pagerank 8 burası.üye olup about the orginzer kısmına herhangi bir kelime yazıp link butonuna basıp sitenizin linkini ve anahtar kelimenizi ekleyebilirsiniz. üye olup düzgün bir yerde mantıklı şekilde konu açarak veya yorum yaparak alta imzanız gibi linki si 8 dir. son vereceğim linkte pagerank 8 dir.Sitede yorum yapacak bir konu bulup linkinizi girip backlinki kullanabilirsiniz.

english: its pagerank 9 and follow this link register and write your link at your profile.thats all pagerank 8 register and go account settings write your link. register and write your links more info watch this:

bedava pr8 backlinks pagerankı 8 ve bu siteye üye sonrasında
1)acces your account yani hesap kontrol paneline giriyoruz.
2)go to update your message board profile buraya giriyoruz.
3)signature kısmına bu şekilde sitenizi ekliyorsunuz [url][/url]
4) profili kaydediyoruz save profile diyoruz ve ardından go to community frouma git.
5)ve herhangi bir konuya yorum yazdığımızda bedava backlinkimiz olmuş oluyor.

video anlatım burda

English: Hi, has pagerank 8 so how to get free backlink from it?
1) sign up,acces your account panel
2) go to update your message board profile
3)signature write your website like this: [url][/url]
4)save profile and go to community 5)post at one of the boards now you have pr8 backlink

Anlatım tamamen bana aittir.Alıntı yaparsanız kaynak gösterin lütfen.

23 Nisan 2013

Yeni bir reklam sitesi

Neden ylix tercih etmeli?Size 11 tane neden!
1. Bu reklam sitesinde minimum ödeme alt limiti 1 dolar olup paypal ile kolaylıkla çekebiliyorsunuz.
2. Adult ve adult olmayan reklam türleri bulunmakta.
3. Banner Ad,Popup,Layer Ad,Redirect Ad,Prepop ve Fullpage ad gibi çok zengin reklam çeşitleri.
4. Sitenizin onaylanması zorunluluğu yok,istediginiz kadar sitenizi ekleyebilirsiniz.
5. Affiliate programı ile her getirdiğiniz üye sayesinde 1 dolara kadar kazanıp onun her kazancında komisyon alırsınız.
6. Reklam kodlarına istediğiniz boyutta ve ziyaretçilere kaç kez gözükmesi gibi ayarları kolayca ayarlıyabileceginiz bir arayüz vardır.
7. Çok çeşitli reklam tipleri sayesinde hep aynı reklamları görmek zorunda kalmazsınız
8. Kategorinize özel reklamlarla kitle hedefine ulaşabilme.
9. Haftalık ödeme sistemi en az 1 dolar olmak zorunda.
10.Yayıncı olarak üyelikte 15 dolar bedava bonus.
11.Adult warez veya başa şekilde herhangi bir sınırlaması  bulunmayan.

Resime tıklayarak üye olabilirsiniz.

22 Nisan 2013

adsense hesap alma hakkında

Yeni bir site kurduysanız ve sitenizden gelir elde etmek istiyorsanız adsense hesabına ihtiyaç duymaktasınız.Çünki adsense en güvenilir ve en fazla kazandıran firmadır.Çünkü adı üzerine Google Adsense.Bir çok sitede adsense hesabı almak için yazılar yöntemler var.Bunları denediz başarılı olamadınız mı?Adsense almak için sizlere yardımcı olabilirim bunun için yorum yazıp bana ulaşmanız yeterli.Size ne yapmanız gerektiğini ve en kısa yoldan nasıl bu sistemi aktif hale getireceğinizi söylüyeceğim.

Adsense nedir bilmeyenler için:

Google AdSense, her aşamadaki internet sitesi yayıncılarının site içeriğiyle ilgili reklamları sitelerinde göstererek para kazanmalarını sağlayan bir Google ürünüdür. Reklamlar, ziyaretçilerin sitede aradıkları konulara ve ilgi alanlarına uygun olduğu için hem sayfaları zenginleştirir hem de siteden para kazanma olanağı sağlar. AdSense, yayıncılara özelleştirilmiş web veya site araması da sunma imkanı sağlamaktadır. Böylece yayıncılar, arama sonuçları sayfalarında gösterilen reklamlar ile de para kazanabilir. AdSense teknolojisi, sayfalara hedeflenmiş reklamlar yayınlamayı hedeflemektedir. Bu sebeple içerik değiştikçe reklamlar da değişir. Aynı şekilde yayıncı ücreti de reklam içeriğine göre değişir. Gösterim ve tıklama başı olmak üzere 2 farklı kazanç şekli bulunmaktadır. Kazanç metodu reklam veren tarafından belirlenir.

19 Nisan 2013

Sitenizin başarılı olmasını saglayan 6 faktör

1. Öncelikle sitenizin zengin içerikli olmasına dikkat edin.Dilbilgisi kurallarına uygun,anlaşılması kolay, akılda kalıcı sözcük seçimine özen gösterin.

2.Seo ayarlarınız çok önemlidir bu yüzden etiketlerinizi uygun seçin.Başlıklarınız düzgün ve anlaşılır olsun.Sitenizde H1,H2,H3 taglarını kullanın.Site haritasını oluşturun ve google webmasters toolsa gönderin  ve google anlytic ile sitenizi takip edin verilerizi analiz edin.

3.Dizayn olarakta gözü fazla yormayan bir tema seçin.Çok grafikten ziyade kaliteli grafik kullanın.Paralı satılan herkesin kullandığı temaları kullanmayın bunun yerine kendinize özel bir tema yaptırın ondan 10 kat daha iyi.

4. Sitenizi sosyal ağlarda facebook twitter google+  ta yazılarınızı paylaşın.Forumlarda imzanıza sitenizin linkini koyun,bloglarda siteniz hakkında yorum yapın ve imkanınız varsa google adwords kullanın.

5. Sitenizin hızı çok önemli bir faktördür bu yuzden iyi bir server seçin google speed gibi araçları kullanın.Dosyalarınız  mümkün oldugu kadar gzip ile sıkıştırın.

6. Sitenize hemen reklam almayın belli bir potansiyele gelene kadar.Popup gibi ziyaretçilerinizi rahatsiz edici reklamlardan kaçaının

Sizlere tavsiye ettiğim 6 maddeyi elinizden geldiği kadar önemseyin ileride yararını fazlasıyla göreceksiniz.

Hd film sitesi

Sitenizden para kazanma yöntemleri

İnternet ortamında websitenizden para kazanmanız için bir çok yöntem mevcuttur.Saysak saymayla bitiremeyiz.Her geçen gün yeni bir yöntem cıkmaktadır.Bu yazımda elimden geldigi kadar bazı yöntemleri açıklamaya çalışacağım.

Sitemize aldığı hit kadar ziyaretçilerin reklamları tıklamaları ayrı bir faktördür.Yan ziyaretçi sayısı kadar aldıgınız hit de önemlidir.çok ziyaretçiniz vardır ama az tık alıyorsunuzdur buda fazla kazanmanızı etkiler.

En iyi kazandıran reklam sistemi kuşkusuz PPC tık başı kazandıran reklamdır.

PPC sistemi:

Tartışmasız bu sistemin lideri Google AdSensedir ve diğerlerinide unutmamak gerekir.Sistem öncelikle üye olunup üyeliğiniz onaylandıktan sonra sitenize girilmesi için reklam kodları verilir bunları sitenize ekleyerekten ziyaretçilerinize sunarsınız ve reklamlarınız tıklandıgında gelir elde edersiniz.

Doğrudan Banner Reklamcılığı:

Bu sistemde siz sitenizden belli ölçülerdeki alanları örnegin 728x90 120x600 320x250 gibi dogrudan reklamı yayınlayarak kazanırsınız.Bu tip reklamlar genelde satış üzerinden alınan komisyonlara dayanmaktadır.

CPM Sistemi:

Bu sistemde reklamlarınız ziyaretçileriniz tarafından görüntülenmesi yetmektedir.CPM cost per mille yani 1000 gösterimdir.Diyelim ki sitenizin aylık 100.000 sayfa gösterimi var ve 1 tane banner reklamınız var CPM 1 dolar ise size 100 dolar kazanç saglar.Cpm oranları 0,10 ile 1 dolar arası (bazı özel durumlar haricinde)

Text Link Reklamları:

Yazı şeklinde link verilen reklamlardır.Fazla bir popülerliği yoktur.

Affiliate Marketing:

En popüler kazançlardan biridir.Satış yaptırarak belli bir komisyon almayı sağlar.Bazen bu sisteme CPA veya
CPL denir.

Paralı İçerik:

Sitenizde özel içerik açıp ziyaretçilerin bu içeriğe erişebilmesi için belli bir miktar size ödedi sistemdir.

Özel forumlar ücretli üyelik:

Sitenize üyeliğin ücretli olarak kabul edip gelir elde ettiniz sistemdir.

Bağış kabul ederek gelir elde edebilirsiniz.

Pop up reklam kullanabilirsiniz ama aşırı derecede gıcık veren bir reklam sistemidir.

Ses reklamı PPP alabilirsiniz ses dosyası dinlendikçe para kazanırsınız.

Websitenizi sataraktan para kazanabilirsiniz.

Ebook sataraktan para kazanabilirsiniz.

Ve daha bir çok yöntem bulunmaktadır ben aklıma gelen popülerleri yazdım.

Kendi yazımdır kopyalandıgında kaynak gösterin.

18 Nisan 2013

Wiki Makale Yazıcı

Bu yazımda sizlere otomatik wiki makale yazıp bunu wiki sitelerine otomatik sekilde üye olup istediğiniz makaleyi tasarladıgınız şekilde yazmanıza imkan veriyor.Bu sayede sitenizin tanıtımı wiki sitelerinde kolayca yapmış oluyorsunuz.Eğer googledan buraya gelip bu sayfayı buldugunuza göre sanırım wikinin siteler için ne yararı oldugunu biliyorsunuz demektir.

1. aşama Öncelikle anlatacağım program wiki bomber,bu programı öncelikle kuruyoruz ve use wiki built listi seçiyoruz bu wiki adreslerini kendi serverından indirmesini sağlıyor yani elimizde wiki listesi yoksa bu seceneği işaretleyip devam ediyoruz.Kendi wiki listemize yükleyeceksekte o secenegin işaretini kaldırıp Target urls menusune tıklayıp import from text diyoruz.

2. aşama Create an account group tıklıyoruz o otomatik olarak wiki sitelerine üye olur.En altaki panelde broken yazanlar başarısız,finished yazanlar üyelik başarılıdır.İster tüm listeyi taramasını bekleyin ister stop diyip diğer aşamaya geçin

3. aşama  Schedule a campain tıklayıp resimdeki gibi doldurun gerekli alanları ve start campain diyip otomatik yollamayı başlatın

4. aşama makalenizdeki yazılara link eklemek resimdeki gibi yazınızın üstüne gelip link ekle diyin

Setting ayarlar kısmında ister skip captcha diyin isterseniz menudeki captcha hizmeti veren yerlere üye olun.Spinner ise otomatik makale yazıcılardır genelde inglizce içerik yazarlar kullanıp kullanmamak size kalmış.Proxy kullanmakta tercihinize kalmış.Takıldığınız yer olursa yardımcı olurum.Anlatım tamamen bana aittir izinsiz kopyalanması yasaktır.

Ücretsiz Web Hosting

Ücretsiz Hosting

2000MB Alan, 100GB Trafik
PHP ve MySQL, Site Kurucu
Reklam ya da Banner yok

Yeni nesil ücretsiz hosting
Ücretsiz internet sitesi hosting ile ilgili klişeleri bir kenara bırakın. Hostinger farklıdır. Fanatik kullanıcı desteği ile güvenilir ve özellikçe zengin barındırma hizmeti veriyoruz. Servis çalışma zamanı oranımız faydalandığımız bulut bilgi işlem (cloud computing) teknolojisi sayesinde %99,9'dur.

 Sayfalarınızda reklam ve banner yok
Metin bağlantılar yok! Rahatsız edici pop-up reklamlar yok! Zorunlu forum gönderileri yok! İnternet siteniz sonsuza dek yüzde 100 reklamsız olacaktır.

 Kullanımı kolay site kurucu
Artık sitenizi çok kolay kurabilirsiniz. Hatta bilgisayara yeni başlayanlar bile internet-sitesi kurucumuz sayesinde harika görülen bir siteyi oluşturabilirler. 100 şablondan birini seçin ve internet sitenizi 5 dakikada hazır hale getirin.

PHP ve MySQL Desteği
Herhangi bir sınırlama olmaksızın PHP ve MySQL veriyoruz. PHP motorumuz tüm opsiyonel özellikler ve fonksiyonlar yüklenmiş olarak sunulmaktadır. Tek tıklamayla istediğiniz PHP versiyonuna geçebilir ve veritabanlarınızı phpMyAdmin aracı ile yönetebilirsiniz.

 Otomatik Yükleyici Yazılımı
Sadece birkaç tıklamayla Wordpress, Joomla, PrestaShop, phpBB, Drupal ve birçok diğer yazılımdan birisini kolayca kurabilirsiniz. Tamamen fonksiyonel ve profesyonel görünen internet sitesi birkaç dakika içinde kurulup kullanıma açılabilir.

Kendi kullandıgım ve size önerebileceğim bir bedava web hosting.Üye olduktan sonra 5 dakika içinde hesabınız onaylanıp sitenizi kurmaya başlayabilirsiniz.Otomatik yükleyici yazılımı ile bir çok türde istediğinizi 
basit bir şekilde sorunsuz kurabilirsiniz.

Buraya üye olun 

Altaki Resime Tıkla Üye ol

Ücretsiz Hosting

Da Vinci'nin Şeytanları

Da Vinci'nin çalkantılı hayatının, gençlik dönemine odaklanacak olan dizi, şimdiye kadar anlatılmamış öyküleri ekrana getirmeye hazırlanıyor. Rönesans İtalya'sında geçen hikaye, Leonarda Da Vinci'nin yaratıcı bir sanatçı, hayalperest bir aşık ve idealist bir adam olarak tanımlanan kişilğine bir başka bakış..

David S. Goyer (Batman Begins, The Dark Knight) tarafından kaleme alınan Da Vinci’s Demons, Rönesans’ın başkenti Floransa’da geçirdiği fırtınalı gençlik yıllarında dünyanın en önemli dahilerinden birinin bugüne kadar ‘anlatılmamış’ hikayesinin konu alıyor. Oldukça zeki ve tutkulu olan 25 yaşlarındaki sanatçı aynı zamanda bir mucit, kılıç ustası, aşık, hayalperest ve idealist biri olarak biliniyor. Serbest düşünür olarak, insan üstü diye tabir edilebilecek bir zeka ve yeteneğe sahip olan Da Vinci kendi gerçekliği ve hızla geçen zaman sınırlaması arasında gidip gelmektedir. Geleceği görmekle kalmıyor, aynı zamanda onu yaratıyordu

Da Vinci muazzam hayatı,olağanüstü yetenekleri Lauro Haddock'un eşsiz güzelliğiyle 10 numara bir dizi olmuş.Daha ilk bölümden sizi esir alıyor bagımlısı  oluyorsunuz.Dizinin ilk sezonu şu an gösterimde!

Silent Hill 3d Tanıtımı


Heather Mason ve babası yıllarca tehlikeli güçlerden bir adım ötede Heather'ın tam olarak anlamadığı bir kaçak hayatı yaşamaktadırlar. Heather, 18. yaş gününün arifesinde korku dolu rüyalar görmeye başlar ve babası ortadan kaybolur. Heather artık düşündüğü kişi olmadığını anlamaya başlar. Revelation, Heather'ı şeytani bir dünyanın derinliklerine çekecek ve Silent Hill'in sonsuzluğuna hapsetmeye çalışacak.

1 Nisan 2013

Facebook sayfa begeni

mozilla firefox  sürüm 16 ve yukarısını kullanacagız yoksa yenisini indirin.
ve  google'a mozilla addons imacros yazıp ad to firefox diye  kuruyoruz
ve ayrıca ekteki  javascript dosyasını
dizinine atıyoruz
javascript dosyasını burdan indirebilirsiniz
İndirdikten sonrar rar dosyasından çıkartın.
Mozilladan facebook hesabımaza giriş yapıyoruz parolayı
hatırla diyerekten.Ve sayfaya üye
Geri kalanı videodan bakabilirsiniz.Bir pencere çıkacak oraya 99999 yazıyoruz
Siz arkanıza yaslanın puanları otomatik geliyor.
Bu sayede hesabınızda puanlar biriktirip  bunları
istediğiniz  gibi harcayın.Facebook beğeni,facebook paylaşım,facebook takipçi,
facebook konu beğendirme,facebook konu paylaşımı,
vkontante sayfası ve grupları,twitter takipçi,twitter
retweet,twitter favori,youtube izlenme,youtube subscribe,youtube begeni
ve website hit gibi bir çok yerde harcayabilirsiniz.Program yasal bir sakıncası yoktur sadece tek tek sayfa beğenme ile uğraşmıyorsunuz botla otomatik yapıyorsunuz.Zaten kulanmaya başladığınızda milyonlarca kişinin kullandığının farkına varacaksınız.

Paylaşımlarımı takip etmeniz için ve takıldığınız yer olursa facebook sayfama beklerim.

30 Mart 2013

VIKINGS TV Show vikingler tanıtımı

Ağırlıklı olarak tarihi konularla ilgili belgesel ve serileri ekranlara getiren History Channel'ın yeni dizi projesi ses getirebilecek potansiyelde gözüküyor. Vikings, bizleri yılın büyük kısmını denizlerde geçirmiş olan İskandinavya'lı savaşçı ve tüccar bir kavim olan Vikingler'in bulunduğu çağa, 8. yüzyıl ile 11. yüzyıl arasında yaşanan Viking Devri'ne götürecek. Dizinin hikayesi gerçek yaşama ve karakterlere dayanıyor.

Gerçek bir tarihsel figür olan, dönemin en büyük ve en popüler Viking kahramanlarından biri olarak nitelenen, Fransa ve İngiltere gibi ülkelerin başına adeta bela olan Ragnar Lothbrok'un maceraları ve yaşadıkları ekranlara yansıyacak. Savaşlardaki başarılar, dönemin önemli isimleri ve bırakılan bazı sanat eserleri gibi konuları anlatan saga adı verilen kahramanlık destanlarında sıkça ismi geçen ve savaş Tanrısı Odin'in soyundan geldiğine inanılan Ragnar Lothbrok'un Viking kabilelerinin liderliğine doğru yükseliş sürecine odaklanılacak.

MGM TV ve The Tudors, Camelot gibi dizilerin başındaki isimler Michael Hirst ve Morgan O’Sullivan tarafından hazırlanan dizi 10 bölümden oluşacak. Dizinin ekranlardaki prömiyeri ise 2013 senesi içerisinde gerçekleşecek

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